Shawn Garcia

Senior UI/UX Designer

Aaron Loeb

Senior QA Engineer

Bailey Dupont

Marketing Manager

Cahaya Dewi

HR Director

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Devsinc is a flexible platform to vet and hire a talent like software developers, designers and quality assurance engineers that match your time zone and work model.

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Experience the best global tech talent and enjoy the tech world without getting exhausted through the hiring process. Hire an expert developer, designer and an engineer now.

  • Web Development

    Our web development team creates intuitive user experiences enfolded up in eye-catching designs. We develop scalable & robust web applications for your business using modern architecture and technologies. Everything we create is custom and precisely made to your specifications. We excel in delivering the best-suited web solutions as per the custom needs across varied

  • Mobile App Development

    Our team develops agile and stylish apps for all smartphone platforms. Our developers will collaborate with you to understand your specific needs and develop apps that provide an intuitive end-user experience. There is no field in which we are not working. With the help of our diligent developers, we make attractive and most convenient mobile applications.

  • Custom Software Development

    We create numerous products for large and small organizations across a variety of different sectors. Our custom development services combine technology with business concepts that help make workable solution for you. Our goal is to provide you with what works best for your business.

  • Data Sciences

    We offer a variety of data analytics across a diverse range of industry verticals and technology platforms. We help you to capitalize on new opportunities to compete the competitors with our innovative solutions.

  • ERP Consultancy & Implementation

    Our professional and diverse team offers a wide range of consultancy services. We engage our expert consultants to guide you through IT solutions to improve business process, increase efficiency and productivity.

  • Team Extension

    We have skills and capacity to be your outsourcing partner. We offer IT outsourcing services to share your workload. You can hire an individual or an entire team dedicated to your work only. Off-shore outsourcing is the best way to save your time and money.

  • Idea

    ◼To analyze the requirement
    through in-depth research with the help of brilliant tools.

  • Sketch

    ◼To draft the design that is
    related to the research in order to check the feasibility.

  • Design

    ◼After completing feasibility
    test, a final design is prepared by using smart tools.

  • Develop

    ◼Now, the development team starts developing the solution according to design.

  • Test

    ◼In testing phase, we test every
    component to make sure that our solution fits the requirement.

  • Celebrate

    ◼We make delivery for the solution and assist our clients to control and administer solution.

What Our Clients Have to Say

Working with Acumenworx was a breeze. They turned our vision into reality with precision and creativity. Highly recommend!

Sarah Johnson

The team at Acumenworx demonstrated utmost professionalism. Our website looks amazing and functions flawlessly.

Michael Smith

From start to finish, Acumenworx made the process seamless. The end result is a website that truly wows.

Jessica Thompson

The expertise displayed by Acumenworx is unmatched. They transformed our ideas into a functional masterpiece.

Laura Martinez

Want to Know More?

Explore the following FAQs to attain relevant information concerning different aspects of our company, products and services.Feel free to contact us for further information.

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What primary services does Acumenworx offer?

Acumenworx primarily offers custom software development, process automation, integration, CRM, e-commerce solutions, chatbots, collaboration tools, cloud-based solutions, data analytics, cybersecurity, data encryption, backup and disaster recovery, and business intelligence dashboards.


Which industries does Acumenworx serve?

Acumenworx serves a diverse range of industries, including but not limited to healthcare, education, finance, legal services, retail, Oil and Gas testing, LIMS and more.


What sets Acumenworx apart from its competitors?

Acumenworx stands out fromits competitors due to its commitment to providing tailored software solutions,its industry expertise, robust cybersecurity measures, and a focus oninnovative technologies. Additionally, the company's dedication toclient-specific customization and exceptional customer support furtherdistinguishes it in the market.We are very friendly andflexible with our clients.